Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm a pack animal

Last night I went for a long run/walk with these two lovely ladies (I had threatened to take sweaty post-workout pictures, but fortunately for them, forgot my camera):

Me, Jasmine, and Elizabeth

We ended up going about 3 miles, and it took us a little over 45 minutes. We did a lot of chatting, and some untimed running in between our walks. I meant to bring my watch and make it serious, you know, be the drill-sergeant of the group, but I forgot. My training calendar was a 30-minute walk anyway, so I did more than I had to. It was kind of nice to go with other people. Here are some of the highlights of our conversation:

Elizabeth asked how long I had to run the marathon. I told her I had to finish in less than 7 hours otherwise THE SWEEPER would come to get me (yes, that really is what it’s called). She said, “Yeah, but you could do it in under 2 hours, right? People can do that.” I replied, “Sure, if I was from Kenya. But I’m not. I’m from Jersey.”

Jasmine is a way better runner than Elizabeth and I. And she just started. Although I guess I did too.

Elizabeth mentioned the Krispy Kreme run, where you run a mile and a half to your local KK, stuff a dozen glazed down your throat, then run a mile and a half back. Then puke your guts out, I’m sure. Wow. Impressive.

We debated over how far we ran. Jasmine said it was 3 miles. Elizabeth agreed. I said it was probably 4, maybe further. They politely said nothing, but exchanged glances that clearly said, “This crazy girl can’t measure distances to save her life!” I used my car to figure out our mileage on my drive home. As it turns out, they were right. Once my mileage training starts, I’ll have to buy a pedometer, or use mapmyrun.com to figure out my distances.

In other news, I haven’t reached the point in my training where I look forward to running. I’m still dragging my feet, even just thinking about running doesn’t excite me. I’m hoping to cross that hurdle soon, and hit my runner’s high. That’s right, I like to get high. (I can totally see that quote coming back to haunt me in the future.) I still make it out when I’m supposed to, minus that one day last week. But it’s hard to motivate myself. Hopefully I’ll hit my stride soon.

I’m thinking that buying new running shoes will help get me motivated. My current pair has a giant hole in not one but BOTH toes! Classy. But my fiancĂ© was laid off and we’ve got a wedding coming up, so I’m probably looking at another month or two before I can invest in a new pair. It’s cool, though. I just wear brightly colored socks and it really cheers up my run. I’m considering painting smiley faces and/or motivational quotes on the toes of my socks. That way, whenever I hit a wall, I can just look down for a little pick-me-up.

Sometimes I think I’m a genius.


  1. Honestly you will be in the swing of things sooner than I will! I have been running for 8 weeks and still am not anywhere near as good as Jasmine. Then again, I haven't been an active person EVER, trading in exercise for smoking and glazed donuts. BTW 50 cent Dunkin Donuts iced coffee today and (dare I say it) FREE CONE DAY at Ben & Jerry's!

    My boobs overwhelm in that picture btw, and I am back to running tonight and maybe I will be able to whoop jasmine, (in my dreams).

  2. Guys, c'mon...I'm not that great at running! I sound like I'm in labor, I look like I just ran in a sauna, and I feel like a grandma power-walking!
