Monday, June 15, 2009

Back and ready for more...maybe.

Today’s the day I get serious.

OK, I know. I should have been serious, like…months ago. But what did you expect? I just got married. Then I was on my honeymoon. Then I was being lazy, wishing I was still on my honeymoon. Also, I was getting over being sick. Plus, I’ve recently discovered my love of all things Jodi Picoult, and try as I might, I just can’t put her books down to go do something more productive like…I don’t know…lead a healthy lifestyle? (I’m currently reading The Pact. Amazing.)

Excuses, excuses. I know. Please don’t say it.

But after much badgering by my new husband, my aunt, my best friend, and countless other fans of my little blog, I have decided to make the commitment to start running again. Today, it is a crisp and cool 91 degrees. But according to, it feels like 99 degrees. Sounds like a good day to run to me!

I’m going to need all the help I can get. So check in tomorrow to read how my run went…or to read how The Pact ends.

…or both!

I’d like to invent a device that you can strap to the front of yourself as you run so that you can read or watch TV while you workout. Sure, it could be dangerous. Watching TV or reading instead of watching the road might cause you to run into people, trees, small animals, and/or large bodies of water. But sometimes the hardest thing for me to do is motivate myself to get out and go when I know I’m at a really good part in a book, or when there’s a DVD at home waiting for me. This was especially tough when I was making my way through LOST. How was I supposed to go outside for fresh air when there were smoke monsters, time traveling professors, and nuclear bombs to worry about?

Maybe there could be some kind of sensor that starts beeping when I’m about to run into a small child or be eaten by an alligator.

Or maybe I should stop being so lazy, suck it up for 30 minutes a day (for now), and just run.

That sounds like a plan, too.


  1. Haha, I totally would love something I could read/watch TV while running- I can watch TV while on the treadmill I guess but not really read. I love Jodi Picoult too though- The Pact was my favorite so far, but I cried so much during that book I'm reading Change of Heart and I have not been nearly as emotional- thank goodness.
    Hope the running goes well!

  2. I LOVE Jodi Picoult. Aunt Linda intoduced me to her books. I have a list and I am working through them all. Read my Sister's Keeper next!

  3. Wendy, I already have! That was my first one. I've also read Nineteen Minutes (I think my favorite so far), The Tenth Circle, and, of course, The Pact. I'm taking a brief JP hiatus to read The Time Traveler's Wife next, but I'm sure I'll be back soon!

  4. One word: Audiobooks.

  5. It's not the same. I like audiobooks when I'm on roadtrips, but I feel like they'd slow me down while I was running.
